About Us
Established in 3307, the Landstrider Legion is a Generalist squadron committed to educating commanders in the secrets of the universe, honing them into Elite-caliber operators and masters of their crafts.
Whether you're a brand new commander looking to find your way in the galaxy, a veteran star-hopper flying out of the mailslot backwards, or just looking for an active community to play with, the Legion invites you to join our community and our journey for interstellar glory.

CMDR Sirius T. Dog
Founded to be Different
Tired of their dysfunctional, inactive squadron, eight Elite: Dangerous veterans teamed up to start a new squadron with three goals: professionalism, casualness, activeness.
After several years, the squadron still emphasizes those values in all of their activities.
How We Got Here
Leaving behind what they had spent years creating, hundreds of commanders left their home system of Apotanites to become Legionaires, and undertake the 300 light-year journey to the Legion's homesystem of Korotep.
From there, the Legion prospored, becoming an active center of trading, combat, exploration, and BGS operations.

CMDR Burrito_Riot

CMDR TishTech
The Legion Way
The Legion is here to compliments the skill sets of all commanders, whether they're the newest trader, or the most veteran fighter. Our wide spectrum of experience levels allows us to offer a plethora of different opportunities.
Start the day by fighting pirates in one system, have lunch at one of our planetary ports, and finish the day dropping of cargo at one of our starports. There's something for everyone!